Tuesday 25 August 2015

Tricep Exercises

Close Grip Bench Press

This is same as the regular flat bench press with wider grip, here you need have the closer grip of the bar.

Skull Crushers

Hold the bar and move down towards the skull with arms still in its place only with elbow to fingers in action and lift back.

Tricep PushDowns

You can do this using either the rope or bar. Hold your arms still against your body and pull the rope down till you feel the stretch and lift back.

Diamond Pushups

This is same as the regular pushups with wider grip, here you need to have the closer grip so the space between the two hands looks like a diamond.

Barbell Tricep Extensions

This can be done either standing or sitting. Hold the bar straight above your head with the arms little extended. Hold the arms still and bend your elbows behind the neck and lift back.

Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

Sit holding the dumbbell in hand behind your neck, then extend your arms straight. Remember to keep the arms still and obly elbow to fingers in action.

Tricep KickBack

Stand a little bent forward keeping your back straight. Hold the dumbbell with the arms still supported to body and move the elbow to fingers to kickback action until the complete arm is straight, untill you feel the stretch.

Tricep Dips

Use two benches for this exercise. Get your hand on the edge of the bench and put your feet on the other bench and go down until your arms are about 90 degree angle.


Get on to the bars and push up your body striaght.

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