Tuesday 25 August 2015

Shoulder Exercises

Shoulder Press

Grab the bar and place it on the shoulder behind the neck with a wider grip. Push the bar upwards untill you feel the stretch and move back slowly. Remember to keep your back straight.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Its same as the shoulder press with barbell, here you use the dumbbell in place.

Side Raise

Stand with the feet slightly spread and grab the dumbbell in hands. Raise the dumbbell to the shoulder level keeping your elbow slightly bent. Remember not to swing your body.

Front Raise

This is same as the side raise where you raise the dumbbell sidewise, here you lift in front.

Barbell Front Raise

Grab the bar and stand straight. Lift the bar frontwise to the shoulder height. Remember to keep the back straight and not to swing the body.

Rear Deltoid Raise

Stand with the feet slightly spread and grab the dumbbell in hands and bend forward as in the picture. Raise the dumbbell to the shoulder level keeping your elbow slightly bent. Remember not to swing your body.

Cable Side Raise

Set the cable end to the bottom of the machine and pull the cable sidewise to the shoulder height. Remember to keep the back straight and not to swing the body.

Cable Front Raise

Set the cable end to the bottom of the machine and pull the cable frontwise to the shoulder height. Remember to keep the back straight and not to swing the body.

Upright Rows

Stand with the feet slightly spread and grab the barbell in hands with closer grip to lift over the head. Pull the barbell up to the body till the barbell reaches your chin. Remember to keep the back straight and not to swing the body.

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