Tuesday 25 August 2015

Abdomen Exercises

Sit Ups

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor, place the hand behind your head and curl front and back.

Leg Raises

Take an overhand grip on the pull-up bar and hang straight. Raise your knees as high as possible. Remember do not swing the body more.

Oblique Crunches

You can do this exercise on the floor/on the gym ball/on the bench. With the hands behind your head, crunch in such a way that your elbow touches the knee.

Cable Crunches

You can do this using the bar or the rope. Kneel down with the bar/rope behind your neck. Move your chest towards your thighs, one left oblique and one right oblique and repeat.

Toe Touches

Lie on the ground, raise your legs and touch the toes for a little time, till you feel a strech in the abdomen.

ForeArm Exercises

Wrist Curls

Rest your fore arms on the bench or on your thighs whichever you feel comfortable. Grab the bar with the underhand grip and curl your wrist up.

Reverse Wrist Curls

Rest your fore arms on the bench or on your thighs whichever you feel comfortable. Grab the bar with the overhand grip and curl your wrist up.

Leg Exercises


Grab the bar and place it on the shoulder behind the neck with a wider grip. Slowly bend your knees with your back slightly bent forward.

Leg Press

Lie on the machine and place your feet in the position. Release the lock and push the knees forward and back to your sides of your chest.

Leg Extensions

Lie on the machine and place your feet in the position. Raise your legs until they are parallel to the ground.

Leg Curls

Lie on the machine and place your feet in the position. Raise back your legs until you feel a stretch.

Seated Calf Raise

This can be done either sitting or standing. Sit on the machine and place the pads on your thighs and place your toes in the foot bar. Release the lock and lower your heals as low as possible and lift again.


Grab dumbbell in your hands, keep your upper body straight and your chin up with one leg lowering your hips until your legs are parallel to the ground. Remember do not swing your body.

Shoulder Exercises

Shoulder Press

Grab the bar and place it on the shoulder behind the neck with a wider grip. Push the bar upwards untill you feel the stretch and move back slowly. Remember to keep your back straight.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Its same as the shoulder press with barbell, here you use the dumbbell in place.

Side Raise

Stand with the feet slightly spread and grab the dumbbell in hands. Raise the dumbbell to the shoulder level keeping your elbow slightly bent. Remember not to swing your body.

Front Raise

This is same as the side raise where you raise the dumbbell sidewise, here you lift in front.

Barbell Front Raise

Grab the bar and stand straight. Lift the bar frontwise to the shoulder height. Remember to keep the back straight and not to swing the body.

Rear Deltoid Raise

Stand with the feet slightly spread and grab the dumbbell in hands and bend forward as in the picture. Raise the dumbbell to the shoulder level keeping your elbow slightly bent. Remember not to swing your body.

Cable Side Raise

Set the cable end to the bottom of the machine and pull the cable sidewise to the shoulder height. Remember to keep the back straight and not to swing the body.

Cable Front Raise

Set the cable end to the bottom of the machine and pull the cable frontwise to the shoulder height. Remember to keep the back straight and not to swing the body.

Upright Rows

Stand with the feet slightly spread and grab the barbell in hands with closer grip to lift over the head. Pull the barbell up to the body till the barbell reaches your chin. Remember to keep the back straight and not to swing the body.

Tricep Exercises

Close Grip Bench Press

This is same as the regular flat bench press with wider grip, here you need have the closer grip of the bar.

Skull Crushers

Hold the bar and move down towards the skull with arms still in its place only with elbow to fingers in action and lift back.

Tricep PushDowns

You can do this using either the rope or bar. Hold your arms still against your body and pull the rope down till you feel the stretch and lift back.

Diamond Pushups

This is same as the regular pushups with wider grip, here you need to have the closer grip so the space between the two hands looks like a diamond.

Barbell Tricep Extensions

This can be done either standing or sitting. Hold the bar straight above your head with the arms little extended. Hold the arms still and bend your elbows behind the neck and lift back.

Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

Sit holding the dumbbell in hand behind your neck, then extend your arms straight. Remember to keep the arms still and obly elbow to fingers in action.

Tricep KickBack

Stand a little bent forward keeping your back straight. Hold the dumbbell with the arms still supported to body and move the elbow to fingers to kickback action until the complete arm is straight, untill you feel the stretch.

Tricep Dips

Use two benches for this exercise. Get your hand on the edge of the bench and put your feet on the other bench and go down until your arms are about 90 degree angle.


Get on to the bars and push up your body striaght.

Bicep Exercises

Barbell curls

Lift the barbell and stand straight. Release the barbell downwards with the arms still in its place and only elbow to fingers involving in workout downwards and upwards. Remeber donot swing your body.

Dumbbell curls

You can do this either seated or standing. This is the same version of barbell curls where you use the barbell, here you use the dumbbell. Remeber donot swing your body.

Hammer curls

As the name says here you need to hold the dumbell like an hammer and perform the exercise one hand at a time in action for better results. Remeber donot swing your body.

Concentration curls

Hold the dumbbell with the arm still in support to the leg and move the elbow to fingers part to action. Perform the exercise one hand at a time in action for better results.

Preacher curls

You can do this either seated or standing. Grab the bar with an underhand grip with the arm still in its place. Remeber donot swing your body.

Reverse curls

This is same as the preacher's but hold the curl with the fingers pointing down to earth. Remeber donot swing your body.

Chest Exercises

Bench Press

Take the comfortable place on the bench and get the wider grip of bar and lower the bar to the nipple height. And push up straight and repeat to get the good exercise to the chest muscles.

Incline Bench Press

Take the comfortable place on the incline bench and get the wider grip of bar and lower the bar to your upper chest. And push up straight and repeat to get the good exercise to the chest muscles. This involves a little or more of biceps.

Decline Bench Press

Take the comfortable place on the decline bench and get the wider grip of bar and lower the bar to your lower chest. And push up straight and repeat to get the good exercise to the chest muscles. This involves a little or more of biceps.

Dumbbell Press

This is same as the bench press where you use bar. Here, you use the dumbbell instead.

Incline Dumbbell Press

This is same as the incline bench press where you use bar. Here, you use the dumbbell instead.

Decline Dumbbell Press

This is same as the decline bench press where you use bar. Here, you use the dumbbell instead.

Dumbbell Flyers

Take the comfortable place on the flat bench, lower the dumbbells so that the dumbbell will be inline with the body as in the picture.

Incline Dumbbell Flyers

Take the comfortable place on the incline bench, lower the dumbbells so that the dumbbell will be inline with the body as in the picture.

Push Ups

Get the wide grip comfortable for you and go down untill your chest touches the ground. Remember to keep the back straight.

Dumbbell Pullover

Get yourself comfortable on the bench with the dumbbell, move the dumbbell backwards with a slight bend in the arms.

Chest Press

Hold the grip and press till both of them meets and release and repeat.


Move your body down and up, but only arms should be working.

Cable Crossover

Bend a little forward and pull the cable more like a fly and keep your arms slightly bent untill you feel a stretch.